Полные тексты докладов конференции “Micro- and Nanoelectronics 2003” (ICMNE-2003)
опубликованы в Proceedings of SPIE, vol.5401 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2004), 762 pp.
Фотографии с конференции ICMNE-2003
Version for print "CONFERENCE PROGRAM"
Version for print "POSTERS"
ICMNE 2003
Monday, October
6th, 2003
9.00 - Registration & Accommodation
13.00-14.00 Lunch
Conference hall
Special Session
The Systems for Semiconductor Industry and
Electron Beam Lithography LEO-SUPRA with electron-optic
column "Gemini". A. Ul'yanenkov1, P.
Czurratis2. 1. Carl Zeiss/LEO (Moscow office)
2. LEO Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH
of nanostructures. F. Bauer.
OXFORD Instruments GmbH/Oxford Instruments Analytical
Ltd. |
From scanning
probe microscopes to smart nanotechnology facilities.
V. Bykov, S. Saunin. NT-MDT & NTI Companies
group, Moscow-Zelenograd, Russia |
Elaboration of
gallium arsenide technology in Georgia for development
of microelectronic devices. N. Khuchua 1, Z. Chakhnakia
1, L. Khvedelidze 1, R. Melkadze 1, A. Tutunjan
1, R. Diehl 2. 1. Research and Production
Complex (RPC) "Electron Technology" of
I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi,
Georgia; 2. III-V Electronics and Optoelectronics
Hardheim, Germany. |
18.00 Welcome Party
19.00 Dinner
Thursday, October 7th, 2003
Conference hall
8.30 Welcome remarks
E.P. Velikhov, Conference Chair, RSC "Kurchatov Institute",
K.A. Valiev, Program Chair, IPT RAS, Moscow
Plenary Session I
lithography: Main challenges. V. Banine & J.
Benschop, ASML, Veldhoven, the Netherlands |
thin Silicon-On-Insulator structures for post silicon
microelectronics. V. P. Popov, Institute
of Semiconductor Physics, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia |
Growth of Ultrasmall Coherent Ge Quantum Dots in
Silicon for Applications in Nanoelectronics. O.
P. Pchelyakov, A. I. Nikiforov, B. Z. Olshanetsky,
S. A. Teys. Institute os Semiconductor Physics
SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia |
INVITED: High-purity
mono-isotopic 28Si, 29Si, 30Si. G. G. Devyatykh1,
P. G. Sennikov1, A. V. Gusev1, A. D. Bulanov1, I.
D. Kovalev1, A. K. Kaliteevskii2, O. N. Godisov2,
H. Riemann3, N. V. Abrosimov3, H. - J. Pohl4.
Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances,
RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; 2. STC "Centrotech-EchP",
St.-Peterburg, Russia; 4. VITCON Projectconsult
GmbH, Jena, Germany. |
10.40-11.00 Coffee break.
Winter garden
Conference Hall
Session 1. Litho I
INVITED: Process
Optimization using Lithography Simulation. A. Erdmann.
Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and
Device Technology (IISB), Erlangen, Germany. |
New Method of
3D- Micro- and Nanostructures Production. B. Gurovich.
Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute",
Moscow, Russia |
Patterned Magnetic Media Produced by Selective Removal
of Atoms. B. Gurovich, K. Maslakov, E. Kuleshova,
E. Meilikhov. Russian Research Center "Kurchatov
Institute", Moscow, Russia |
Scanning NanoImprinting
by AFM like tool. O. Trofimov1, V. Dremov1,2, S.
Dubonos1, A. Svintsov1, S. Zaitsev1. 1. Chernogolovka,
Moscow distr., Russia; 2-Physikalisches Institut
III Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg Erwin-Rommel-Str.
1, Erlangen, Germany |
NanoMaker - a
new soft/hardware system for nanotechnology and
industrial e-beam lithography. G. Grigor'eva1, B.
N. Gaifullin1, A. A. Svintsov2, S. I. Zaitsev2.
IMT RAS, 1. INTERFACE Ltd, Moscow; 2. Chernogolovka,
Russia |
13.00-14.00 Lunch
Conference Hall
Session 2. Litho II
The vortex mask
design for irregular arrays of contact holes. P.
G. Serafimovich, P. S. Ahn, J. K. Shin. Samsung
Advanced Institute of Technology, Suwon, Korea |
Laser source
of ions for nanotechology. B. G. Freinkman1, A.
V. Eletskii2, S. I. Zaitsev2. 1. IMT RAS,
Chernogolovka, Moscow distr., Russia; 2. RSC "Kurchatov
Institute", Moscow. |
Laboratory methods
for investigations of multilayer mirrors in Extreme
Ultraviolet and Soft X-Ray region. M. S. Bibishkin,
D. P. Chekhonadskih, N. I. Chkhalo, E. B. Klyuenkov,
N. N. Salashchenko, I. G. Zabrodin, S. Yu. Zuev.
Institute for Physics of Microstructures,
RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia |
EUV radiation
from plasma of a pseudospark discharge in its different
stages. Yu. D. Korolev, O. B. Frants, V. G. Geyman,
R. V. Ivashov, N. V. Landl, I. A. Shemyakin. Institute
of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia |
Ion lithography
using FIB. Yu. B. Gorbatov, A. F. Vyatkin. Institute
of Microelectronics Technology, RAS, Chernogolovka,
Russia. |
Room A. Session 3. Nanotransistors
FET on Ultrathin
SOI (Fabrication and Research). O. V. Naumova, I.
V. Antonova, V. P. Popov, Y. V. Nastaushev, T. A.
Gavrilova, M. M. Kachanova L. V. Litvin, A. L. Aseev.
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian
Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia |
transistor for VLSI logic elements. B. Konoplev,
E. Ryndin. Taganrog State University of Radio-Engineering,
Taganrog, Russia |
A transistor
based on space quantization effect. E. Ryndin.
Taganrog State University of Radio-Engineering,
Taganrog, Russia |
Epitaxial growth
of silicon on porous silicon. M. Balucani1, A. Belous2,
V. Bondarenko3, G. Troyanova3, A. Ferrari1.
1. Unit of Research E6 INFM, Rome University
"La Sapienza", Roma, Italy; 2. Research
and Design Company "Belmicrosystems",
Minsk, Belarus; 3. Belarusian State University of
Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus. |
Peculiarities of Metallic Films Produced by Selective
Removal of Atoms. B. Gurovich, A. Domantovsky, K.
Maslakov, E. Olshansky, K. Prikhodko. Russian
Research Center "Kurchatov Institute",
Moscow, Russia. |
Room B. Session 4. Modelling
The Structure
and Electronic Properties of Zr and Hf Nitrides
and Oxynitrides. D. Bazhanov1,2, A. Safonov1,3,
A. Bagatur'yants1,3, A. Korkin4. 1. Kinetic
Technologies, Ltd., Moscow, Russia; 2. Physics Department,
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; 3. Photochemistry
Center, RAS, Moscow, Russia; 4. DigitalDNA Semiconductor
Products Sector, Motorola Inc., USA |
A Self-consistent
Modeling of the Leakage Current Through Thin Oxides.
I. Polishchuk1,2, E. Burovski1,2. 1. RRC
"Kurchatov institute", Moscow; 2. Kinetic
Technologies, Ltd, Moscow. |
The discretization
of minority carrier generation kinetics at the semiconductor
surface bordering staggered inhomogeneous insulator.
Yu. V. Gulyaev, A. G. Zhdan, E. I. Goldman, G. V.
Chucheva. The Institute of Radio Engineering
and Electronics, RAS |
Analysis of the
metal single-electron arrays based on different
materials. I. I. Abramov, S. A. Ignatenko. Belarusian
State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics,
Minsk, Belarus. |
Ensemble Monte
Carlo simulation of submicron n-channel MOSFETs
with account of hot electron effects. V. Borzdov,
V. Galenchik, O. Zhevnyak, F. Komarov, A. Zyazulya.
Belarussian State University, Minsk, Belarus |
15.40-16.30 Coffee break
Conference Hall
Session 5. Micro- & nanostructures characterization
Structural diagnostics
of 'quantum' layers by X-ray diffraction and standing
waves. A. M. Afanas'ev1, M. A. Chuev1, R. M. Imamov2,
E. Kh. Mukhamedzhanov2, E. M. Pashaev2, S. N. Yakunin2.
1.Institute of Physics & Technology,
RAS; 2.A.V.Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography,
of patterned nanomagnet arrays by scanning probe
microscopy. N. I. Polushkin, B. A. Gribkov, and
V. L. Mironov. Institute for Physics of Microstructures,
RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia |
Magnetic force
microscopy of magnetization reversal of microstructures
in situ in external field of up to 2000Oe. A. Bukharaev,
D. Biziaev, P. Borodin, D. Ovchinnikov. Zavoisky
Physical Technical Institute of RAS, Kazan, Russia. |
Study of PZT
thin films of different compositions by atomic force
microscopy. A. Ankudinov, I. Pronin, N. Pertsev,
I. Titkov, A. Titkov. A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical
Institute, RAS, St.Petersburg, Russia. |
Local optical
diagnostics of nanostructures. M. Bashevoy , A.
Ezhov , S. Magnitskii, D. Muzychenko , V. Panov
, J. Toursynov. Moscow State University,
Russia |
Interface study
of SiGe/Si multilayers by X-ray reflectivity method.
S. N. Yakunin, A. A. Zaitsev, E. M. Pashaev, M.
M. Rzaev, R. M. Imamov. 1. Institute of Crystallography,
RAS, Russia; 2. Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering
and Automatics, Russia; 3. P.N. Lebedev Physical
Institute, RAS, Russia |
Room A. Session 6. Nanostructures
Local contact
charging of semiconductor quantum dots by atomic
force microscopy. A. N. Titkov1, M. S. Dunaevskii1,
R. Laiho2. 1.Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute,
RAS, St.-Peterburg, Russia; 2. Wihury Physical Laboratory,
University of Turku, Finland. |
Selective growth
oriented carbon nanotube. S. A. Gavrilov1, N. N.
Dzbanovsky2, V. V. Dvorkin2, E. A. Il'ichev1, B.
K. Medvedev1, E. A. Poltoratsky1, G. S. Rychkov1,
N. V. Suetin2. 1. State Research Institute
of Physical Problems, Russia; 2. Nuclear Physics
Institute, Moscow State University, Russia |
Nanotubes for
nanoelectronics: growth and characterization. S.
V. Plusheva, I. V. Khodos, L. A. Fomin and G. M.
Mikhailov. Institute of Microelectronics
echnology RAS, Chernogolovka |
Single-crystal Nanowires and Filiform Nanostructures
Fabrication. E. Badinter1, T. Huber2, A. Ioisher1,
A. Nikolaeva3, I. Starush1. 1.Institute ELIRI
s.a., Moldova; 2.Howard University, USA; 3. Institute
of Applied Physics, Moldova. |
Epitaxial SiC
nanocrystals at the Si/SiO2 interface: electrical
behaviour. L. Dozsa1, Zs. J. Horvath1, O. H. Krafcsik1,
Gy. Vida2, P. Deak2, T. Mohacsy1. 1. Hungrian
Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for Technical
Physics and Materials Science, Budapest, Hungry;
2.Dept. of Atomic Physics, Budapest University of
Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary |
Composite nanostructures
based on porous silicon host. M. Balucani1, V. Bondarenko2,
G. Troyanova2, A. Ferrari1. Unit of Research
E6, INFM, Roma University "La Sapienza",
Roma, Italy; 2. Belarusian State University of Informatics
and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus |
Room B. Session 7. Magnetic nanostructures.
Approach to terabit
density for magnetic data storage using direct optical
patterning of Fe(Co)-based thin films. N. I. Polushkin,
B. A. Gribkov, A. Ya. Lopatin. Institute
of Physics of Microstructures, RAS, Nizhny Novgorod,
Russia |
barium-strontium titanate films: electrical properties,
microstructure, applications. O. M. Zhigalina1,
O. V. Chuprin2, K. A. Vorotilov2, V. A. Vasil'ev2,
A. S. Sigov2, Yu. V. Grigoriev1, N. M. Kotova3.
1.Institute of Crystallography, RAS, Russia;
2.Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering,
Electronics and Automation, Moscow, Russia; 3. Institute
of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia. |
reversal due to spin injection in magnetic junction.
R. J. Elliott1, E. M. Epshtein2, Yu. V. Gulyaev2,
P. E. Zilberman2. 1. University of Oxford
Department of Physics, UK; 2. Institute of Radio
Engineering and Electronics, RAS, Russia. |
peculiarities of longitudinal magneto-resistance
in single crystal wires of pure and doped bismuth.
D. Gitsu1, T. Huber2, L. Konopko1, A. Nikolaeva1,3.
1. Institute of Applied Physics, AS, Moldova;
2.Department of Chemistry, Woward University, Washington,
USA; 3. International Laboratory of High Magnetic
Fields and Low Temperatures, Wroclav, Poland. |
Research of optical and structural properties
in multilayer films (Ni22ACo75A) x20L. G. Bauhuis2,
A. Keen2, H. von Kempen2, A. Matvienko1, A. Ostroukhova1,
A. Pogorely1, T. Rasing2. 1. Institute
of Magnetism of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
.2. Research Institute for Materials, University
of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Nitherlands
Epitaxial Ni
Films and Giant Magnetoresistance in Ballistic Ni
Nanostructures. I. V. Malikov, V. Yu. Vinnichenko,
L. A. Fomin and G. M. Mikhailov. Institute
of Microelectronics Technology& High Purity
Materials RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow. |
19.00 Dinner
Wednesday, October 8th 2003
07.50 Breakfast
Conference hall.
Session 8. Photonics
INVITED: Elements
of electron-photonic integrated systems. V. V. Aristov,
M. Yu. Barabanenkov, V. N. Mordkovich. Institute
of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials
RAS. |
INVITED: Macroporous
silicon: material science and technology. A. F.
Vyatkin. Institute of Microelectronics Technology
and High Purity Materials RAS. |
1D photonic crystals
based on periodically grooved Si. V. Tolmachev1,
E. Astrova1, T. Perova2. 1. Ioffe Physico-Technical
Institute, St.-Peterburg, Russia; 2. Dept. Electr.&
Electr. Eng., Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. |
White light emission
from nanostructures embedded in ultra-shallow silicon
p-n junctions. N. T. Bagraev, A. D. Bouravleuv,
L. E. Klyachkin and A. M. Malyarenko. A.F. Ioffe
Physico-Technical University, St.Petersburg, Russia. |
A 512 Х 512 IR
PtSi CMOS IMAGE SENSOR. S. Abramov, A. Belin, A.
Gvaskov, V. Guminov, V. Zolotariov, V. Zoubkov,
A. Popov, G. Rudakov, V. Rjabik, D. Churbanov.
Matrix technologies inc. |
10.30 Coffee break
Conference hall.
Session 9. Si/Ge heterostructures
Spin transport
in Ge/Si quantum dot array. A. V. Nenashev, A. F.
Zinovieva, A. V. Dvurechenskii. Institute
of Semiconductor Physics, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. |
Structural, photoluminescence
and electrical properties of n-Si1-хGeх/n+(p)-Si
heterojunction in relaxed Si1-хGeх/Si structure.
L. K. Orlov1, A. V. Potapov1, M. L. Orlov1, V. I.
Vdovin2, E. A. Steinman3, Zs. J. Horvath4, L. Dozsa4.
1.Institute for Physics of Microstructures, RAS,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; 2. Institute for Chemical
problems of Microelectronics, Moscow, Russia; 3.
Institute of Solid State Physics, RAS, Chernogolovka,
Russia; 4. Research Institute for Technical Physics
and Materials Science, HAS, Budapest, Hungary. |
Electronic properties
of the Si-Si1-хGeх field effect transistor heterostructures:
electrical and electrophysical measurements. L.
K. Orlov , A. V. Potapov, N. L. Ivina, R. A. Rubtsova,
Zs. Horvath, L. Dozsa, A. S. Lonchakov, Yu. A. Arapov.
1.Institute for Physics of Microstructures, RAS;
2. State Lobachevsky University, Nizhny Novgorod,
Russia; 3. Research Institute for Technical Physics
and Materials Science, HAS, Budapest, Hungary; 4.
Institute of Metal Physics RAS, Ekaterinburg. |
of transport mechanisms in a-SiGe:H/c-Si heterostrucrures.
A. Sherchenkov, B. Budaguan, A. Mazurov. Institute
of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia. |
Implanted quantum-dimensional
SiGe structures. N. N. Gerasimenko1 and Yu. V. Parhomenko2.
1. Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering;
2. Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. |
Surface morphology
transitions induced by ion beam action during Ge/Si
MBE. A. V. Dvurechenskii, J. V. Smagina, V. A. Zinovyev,
V. A. Armbrister. Institute of Semiconductors
Physics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk |
13.00 Lunch
Conference hall.
Session 10. HDP processing.
Microwave discharge
on external surface of quartz plate. V. M. Shibkov,
A. P. Ershov, O. S. Surkont. Moscow State
University, Physical Depart., Moscow, Russia. |
Comparative study
of inductively coupled and microwave BF3 plasmas
for microelectronic technology applications. Ya.
N. Sukhanov, A. P Ershov, K. V. Rudenko and A. A.
Orlikovsky. Institute of Physics and Technology
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Volume and heterogeneous
chemistry in Cl2/Ar inductively coupled plasma.
A. Efremov 1,2, V. Svettsov 1, C. - I. Kim 2. 1.
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology,
Ivanovo, Russia; 2. Chung-Ang University, Seoul,
Korea. |
Formation of
micro-and nanostructures in Si and SiO2 by using
plasma etching and deposition processes. I. Amirov,
M. Izyumov, O. Morozov, A. Shumilov. Institute
of Microelectronics and Informatics, RAS, Yaroslavl,
Russia. |
Precise speeding
shallow trench etch development for power electronics.
V. Galperin, V. Zuev. OAO Angstrem, Zelenograd,
Russia. |
Room A. Session 11. Technological processes
of Zirconia Film Growth Using kinetic Monte Carlo
(kMC), Molecular Dynamics (MD) and integrated kMC-MD
Approaches. A. Knizhnik1, A. Bagatur'yants1, B.
Potapkin1 and A. Korkin2. 1.Kinetic Technologies,
Moscow, Russia; 2. Semiconductor Products Sector,
Motorola Inc., USA |
AlGaAs-GaAs heterostructure
?-doped field-effect transistor (?-FET). Z. Chakhnakia
1, Z. Hatzopoulos 2, L. Khvedelidze 1, N. Khuchua
1, R. Melkadze 1, G. Peradze 1. 1. Research
& Production Complex "(RPC) Electron Technology"
of Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia; 2.
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
(FORTH) Institute of Electron Structure & Lasers,
Heraklion, Greece. |
Ion beam synthesis
of cobalt silicides in Si and SiGe. G .G. Gumarov1,
V. Yu. Petukhov1, V. A. Shustov1, O. P. Pchelyakov2,
V. I. Mashanov2, I. B. Khaibullin1. 1. Kazan
Physical-Technical Institute, RAS, Kazan, Russia;
2. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, RAS, Novosibirsk,
Russia. |
process of CMOS RAM multilevel interconnection system.
V. A. Vasil'ev1, K. A. Vorotilov1, A. S. Valeev2,
V. I. Shishko2, V. V. Mishin1, C. P. Volk2, A. S.
Sigov1. 1. Moscow State Institute lf Radioengineering,
Electronics and Automation, Moscow, Russia; 2. Scientific
and Research Institute of Molecular Electronics
and Mikron plant, Moscow, Russia. |
Room B. Session 12. Technological processes
of the dynamics of recrystallization and melting
of the surface of implanted silicon at rapid thermal
processing. Ya. Fattakhov, M. Galyautdinov, T. L'vova,
M. Zakharov, I. Khaibullin. Kazan Physico-Technical
Institute, RAS, Kazan, Russia. |
The Peculiarities
of BF2 Ion Implantation During of Silicon MDS Integration
Circuit Formation. A. N. Tarasenkov, N. N. Gerasimenko.
Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical
University), Zelenograd, Russia. |
Phases transformation
in Ti(Ta)-Ni(Co)-Si-N systems. I. Horin1, A. A.
Orlikovsky1, A. G. Vasiliev1,2, A. L. Vasiliev3,4.
1. Institute of Physics&Technology (IPT),
RAS, Moscow, Russia; 2.Moscow State Institute of
Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical
University), Moscow, Russia; 3. Institute of Crystallography,
RAS, Moscow, Russia; 4. Department of Metallurgy
and Materials Eng., Institute of Materials Science,
University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA. |
Ultra-low k dielectric
for multilevel metallization system. V. V. Mishin,
A. S. Sigov, V. A. Vasil'ev, K. A. Vorotilov. Moscow
State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics
and Automation, Moscow, Russia. |
Development of
copper metallization for VLSI using diffusion barrier
Ta-W-N layer. A. Klimovitskiy, E. Leonova, A. Mochalov.
Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics
and Automation (Technical University), Moscow, Russia. |
15.40 Coffee break
16.30 Entresol. Poster Session I
Bottom hall. Exhibition
19.00 Dinner
Thursday, October
9th 2003
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Conference hall
Plenary session II
INVITED: Developments
of Terahertz Wave Generation Technologies. Ken Suto1,
Jun-ichi Nishizawa2,3. 1. Department of Materials
Science, Tohoku University, Japan; 2. Photodynamics
Research Center, Japan; 3. Semiconductor Research
Institute, Japan. |
INVITED: Electron-phonon
interaction in 2D heterostructures. J. Pozela.
Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania. |
INVITED: Investigation
of physical and technological limits for sub-100
nm III-nitride transistors. S. Shapoval. Institute
of Microelectronics Technology RAS, Chernogolovka,
Russia. |
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Conference hall.
Session 13. UHF transistors and IC
Ultra high frequency
AlGaN/GaN-transistor with inverted 2DEG Channel.
V. G. Mokerov1, L. E. Velikovskii1, M. B. Vvedenskii1,
Z. T. Kanametova1, V. E. Kaminskii1, P. V. Sazonov1,
D. S. Silin1, J. Graul2, O. Semchinova2.
1. Institute of UHF Semiconductor Electronics of
RAS, Moscow, Russia; 2. Laboratories for Informationstechnologie,
University Hanover, Germany. |
Low temperature
technology of semiconductor devices and integrated
circuits. A. Bibilashvili, Z. Bokhochadze, A. Gerasimov,
R. Kazarov, Z. Kushitashvili, I. Lomidze, T. Ratiani,
Z. Samadashvili. Microelectronics chair of
Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia. |
planar integrated circuit technology based on monolithic
integration of RTD and SFET. A. Gorbatsevich1, I.
Kazakov2, B. Nalbandov1, S. Shmelev1, A. Tsibizov2.
1. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology
(Technical University), Moscow, Russia; 2. P.N.
Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
10 GHz 1:2 Switch
MMIC for the communication and radar applications.
V. G. Mokerov, D. L. Gnatyuk, B. G. Nalbandov, E.
N. Ovcharenko, A. P. Lisitskii. Institute
of UHF Semiconductor Electronics, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
high-speed gallium arsenide integrated circuits
for signal processing systems. V. Bespalov, L. Burzina,
A. Gorbatsevich, M. Kirillov, B. Nalbandov, S. Schmelev.
Scientific and Education Center LPI and MIET
on Quantum Devices and Nanotechnologies, Moscow,
Russia. |
characterization of resonant-tunneling diodes based
on the GaAs/AlGaAs long-period superlattices in
process of fabrication. A. A. Belov , A. L. Karuzskii
, I. P. Kazakov , Yu. A. Mityagin , V. N. Murzin
, A. V. Perestoronin, A. A. Pishchulin , S. S. Shmelev.
P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow,
Russia. |
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Conference hall.
Session 14. Nanostructures physics
laser deposition of ZnO thin films. Zherikhin
A. N., Khudobenko A. I., Panchenko V. Ya. |
scaling in the integral quantum Hall regime in two-dimensional
electon gas in InGaAs/InP heterostructures. B. Podor1,2,
Gy. Kovacs3, G. Remenyi4, I. G. Savel`ev5. 1.
Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials
Science, HAS, Budapest, Hungary; 2. Budapest Polytechnic,
Kando Kalman Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Institute of Microelectronics and Technology, Budapest,
Hungary; 3. Department of General Physics, Eotvos
Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary; 4. CNRS Center
de Recherches sur les Tres Basses Temperatures et
Laboratoire des Champs Magnetiques Intenses, Grenoble,
France; 5. A.F.Ioffe Physical Technical Institute,
RAS, St.Peterburg, Russia. |
Ballistic transport
in quantum interference devices. A. A. Gorbatsevich1,
V. V. Kapaev2. 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic
Technology (Technical University), Moscow, Russia;
2. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow,
Russia. |
New peculiarities
of interband tunneling in broken-gap heterostructures.
A. Zakharova1, S. T. Yen2, K. A. Chao3. 1.
Institute of Physics and Technology RAS, Moscow,
Russia; 2. Department of Electronics Engineering,
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan,
Republic of China; 3. Department of Physics, Lund
University, Sweden. |
Structural, photoluminescence
and electrophysical properties of the porous multilayer
InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures. L. K. Orlov1, N. L.
Ivina1, N. A. Alyabina1, N. V. Vostokov2, R. A.
Rubtsova1. 1. State Lobachevsky University;
2. Institute for Physics of Microstructures, RAS,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. |
Room A. Session 15. MEMS and Sensors
Integrated sensor
of current. V. Amelichev1, A. Galushkov1, S. Polomoshnov2,
Iu. Chaplygin2 . 1. State Research Center
Scientific and Manufacturing Coplex of the RF "Technological
Center" at MIET, Moscow-Zelenograd, Russia;
2. Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology
Moscow-Zelenograd, Russia. |
Linear electrostatic
micromotors for nano- and micro-positioning. I.
L. Baginsky and E. G. Kostsov. Institute
of Automation and Electrometry, RAS, Novosibirsk,
Russia. |
methods of self-forming - the base for fabrication
of operating and sensitive elements for integrated
microsystems. A. I. Galushkov, A. N. Saourov.
SMC "Technological Center" MIEE, Moscow,
Russia. |
3D micromachined
gyroscope. I. Lysenko, B. Konoplev. Taganrog
State Universitu of Radio-Engineering, Taganrog,
Russia. |
Bolometric matrix
multiplexer. V. Minaev1, E. Volodin, V. Zyubin,
V. Chesnokov, I. Mikhalev, E. Muryleva, Yu. Fortinsky,
Yu. Tschetverov. 1. JSC "Angstrem-M",
Moscow, Russia; 2. JSC "Angstrem-M", Moscow,
Russia; 3. JSC "ITTP IP", Moscow, Russia. |
Room B. Session 16. Quantum Informatics.
Models of ensemble
NMR quantum cellular automata based on artificial
and natural electronic antiferromagnets. A. A. Kokin.
Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS, Moscow,
Russia. |
Quantum key distribution
on polarized single photons. V. L. Kurochkin, I.
I. Ryabtsev, I. G. Neizvestny. Institute
of Semiconductor Physics, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. |
Anomalous Transport
in Sisyphus Cooling Optical Lattice Scheme and Levy
Distributions. M. P. Kondrashin, V. P. Yakovlev.
Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (state
university), Russia. |
Negative-U properties
for a quantum dot. N. T. Bagraev1, A. D. Bouravleuv1,
L. E. Klyachkin1, A. M. Malyarenko1, I. A. Shelykh2.
1. A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute,
St.Peterburg, Russia; 2. St. Peterburg State Technical
University, St.Peterburg, Russia. |
Dynamics of entangled
states of nuclear spins in solids. S. I. Doronin.
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, RAS,
Chernogolovka, Russia. |
quantum key distribution protocol. D. V. Sych, B.
A. Grishanin, and V. N. Zadkov. International
Laser Center and Department of Physics M. V. Lomonosov
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. |
16.20 Coffee break
16.30 Entresol. Poster session II
Bottom hall. Exhibition
19.30 Banquet
Friday, October 10th, 2003
09.00 Breakfast
10.00 Departure
October 8th. 2003
Poster session I
P 1-1
Structure Peculiarities
of Metallic Films Produced by Selective Removal of
Atoms. B. Gurovich, A. Domantovsky, K. Maslakov, E.
Olshansky, K. Prikhodko. Russian Research Center
"Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia. |
Electrical Properties
of Metal Films Prepared by Selective Removal of Atoms.
B. Gurovich1, K. Prikhodko1, A. Domantovsky1, D. Dolgy1,
E. Ol'shansky1, B. Aronzon1, Y. Lunin2. 1.
Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute",
Moscow, Russia; 2. Institute for System Studies, RAS,
Moscow, Russia. |
P 1-3
Increasing of electric
strength in the pseudospark gap with a high pulse
repetition rate. Yu. D. Korolev, O. B. Frants, V.
G. Geyman, R. V. Ivashov, N. V. Landl, I. A. Shemyakin.
Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia. |
Heat - resistant
light-sensitive polymer compositions based on poly(o
- hydroxyamides) - heat-resistant photolacks. L. Rudaya1,
N. Klimova1, T. Yourre1, G Lebedeva2, I. Sokolova3.
1. St. Petersburg State Technological Institute
(Technical University), St. Petersburg, Russia; 2.
Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, RAS, St. Petersburg,
Russia; 3. St. Petersburg State Electr technical University
(LETI), St. Petersburg, Russia. |
P 1-5
Pre-exposure thermal treatment of photoresist
layers under elevated pressure as applied to lithographic
technologies of photomask and integrated microcircuit
manufacture. V. A. Peremyshchev1, V. V. Martynov2.
1.Technology. Equipment. Materials company, Moscow,
Russia; 2. Submicro Research and Development Association,
Zelenograd, Russia.
Discharge pumped
table-top EUV laser on dense plasma of multi charged
ions. V. Burtsev, E. Bol'shakov, V. Chernobrovin,
N. Kalinin. Efremov Scientific Research Institute
of Electrophysical Apparatus, St. Petersburg, Russia. |
Automatical Optimization
of Pupil Filters for High-Resolution Photolithography.
M. Machin, M. Gitlin, N. Savinskii. Institute
for Microelectronics and Informatics of RAS. |
Self-align technology
for nanotransistors channel forming. K. Valiev, A.
Krivospitsky, A. Okshin, A. Orlikovsky, Yu. Semin.
Institute of of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow,
Russia |
The effect of imaging
forces in ultra thin gate insulator on the tunneling
current and its oscillations at the region of transition
from the direct tunneling to the Fowler-Nordheim tunneling.
E. I. Goldman, N. F. Kukharskaya, G. V. Chucheva and
A. G. Zhdan. The Institute of Radio Engineering
and Electronics, RAS. |
P 1-10
Initiated tunnel
current through thin gate oxide generation minority
carriers in Si-MOS-structures. G. V. Chucheva1, A.
S. Dudnikov2, E. I. Goldman1, N. A. Zaitsev2, A. G.
Zhdan1. 1. The Institute of Radio Engineering
and Electronics, RAS; 2. JSC "Mikron Corporation". |
Investigation of
the leakage currents in SOI MOSFET with the nanoscale
channel length. A. A. Frantsusov, N. I. Bojarkina,
M. A. Ilnitsky, V. P. Popov, L. N. Safronov. Institute
of Semiconductor Physics, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. |
P 1-12
Gamma radiation
tolerance of 0.5 µm SOI MOSFETs. O. V. Naumova, A.
A. Frantsuzov, V. P. Popov. Institute of Semiconductor
Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. |
The application
of Thomas-Fermi equation for the modelling of an intra-atomic
potential in the ultrathin gate dielectric. G. Krasnikov,
A. Eremenko, N. Zaitsev, I. Matyushkin. Research
and Development Institute for Molecular Electronics
and Plant MICRON, Moscow, Zelenograd, Russia. |
P 1-14
Optical and photoelectrical
characterization of as-deposited and annealed PECVD
polysilicon thin film. A. V. Khomich1, V. I. Kovalev1,
A. S. Vedeneev1, A. G. Kazanskyi2, P. A. Forsh D.
He2, X. Q. Wang3, H. Mell4. 1. Institute of
Radiotechnics and Electronics, RAS, Fryazino, Russia;
2. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department
of Physics, Moscow, Russia; 3. Lanzhou University,
Department of Physics School of Physical and Technology,
Lanzhou, China; 4. Philipps-Universitat Marburg, Fachdereich
Physik, Marburg, Germany. |
silicon for semiconductor devices. D. Milovzorov.
Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow,
Russia. |
P 1-16
Ion synthesis of
silicate glasses: simulation, process engineering
and applied aspects. S. Krivelevich, E. Buchin, Yu.
Denisenko, A. Tsyrulev. Institute of Microelectronics
and Informatics, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
Investigation of
energy levels in Si subjected high-temperature diffusion
annealing in Zn atmosphere. Kornilov B.V., Privezentsev
V. V. Institute of Physics and Technology,
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Influence of cells-MOSFETs
with Schottky barrier drain contact location in power
IC on electrical device characteristics. M. Korolev1,
A. Krasukov1, R. Tihonov2. 1. Moscow State
Institute of Electronics Engineering; 2. Scientific
Manufacturing Center "Technological Center",
Moscow, MSIEE |
Functional Diagnostics
of the Metal Diffusion in Silicon. A. E. Berdnikov,
V. N. Gusev, A. A. Popov, V. I. Rudakov, V. D. Chernomordik.
Institute of Microelectronics and Informatics RAS,
Yaroslavl, Russia. |
Development of
the scanning spreading resistance microscopy for nanoscale
structure properties investigation. V. Shevyakov1,
S. Lemeshko2, A. Tihomirov1. 1. Moscow Institute
of Electronic Engineering, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia;
2. Molecular Devices and tools for nanotechology Co.,
Zelenograd, Moscow. |
Application of
piezoelectric monocrystals in devices of exact positioning
of probe microscopes. V. Antipov, M. Malinkovich,
Yu. Parkhomenko. Moscow Steel and Alloys Institute,
Russia. |
Low-Frequency Noise
in Disordered Silicon Systems. M. I. Makoviychuk1,
E. O. Parshin1, A. L. Chapkevich2. 1. Institute
of Microelectronics & Informatics, RAS, Yaroslavl,
Russia; 2. Moscow Committee of Science and Technologies,
Moscow, Russia. |
of nanocrystals in porous germanium layer by X-RAY
diffraction. A. Lomov1, V. Bushuev2, V. Karavanskii
3. 1. A.V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography,
RAS, Moscow, Russia; 2. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State
University, Moscow, Russia; 3. Institute of Natural
Sciences Center of General Physics Institute, RAS,
Moscow. |
Advanced capabilities
of binary modulation polarization ellipsometry. V.
I. Kovalev, A. I. Rukovishnikov, A. V. Khomich.
Institute of Radiotechnics and Electronics, RAS,
Fryazino, Russia. |
microscopy for polarization switching in thin ferroelectric
films. E. Mishina1, N. Sherstyuk1, K. Vorotilov1,
A. Sigov1, Th. Rasing2, V. M. Mukhortov3. 1.
Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics
and Automation, Russia; 2. University of Nijmegen,
The Netherlands; 3. Institute of General Physics,
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
PMMA and polystyrene
films modification under ion implantation studied
by spectroscopic ellipsometry. A. V. Leontyev1, V.
I. Kovalev2, A. V. Khomich2, F. F. Komarov1. 1.
Belorussian State University, Minsk, Belarus; 2. Institute
of Radiotechnics and Electronics, RAS, Fryazino, Russia. |
Ellipsometric investigation
of buried layers in ion-implanted and annealed silicon
and diamond structures. V. I. Kovalev1, A. V. Khomich1,
A. I. Rukovishnikov1, R. A. Kmelnitskyi2, E. V. Zavedeev3.
1. Institute of Radiotechnics and Electronics,
RAS, Fryazino, Russia; 2. Lebedev Physical Institute,
RAS, Moscow, Russia; 3. General Physics Institute,
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Computer Simulation
Application for Improving Correctness of Data Obtained
by Magnetic Force Microscope. D. Ovchinnikov, A. Bukharaev.
Zavoisky Physical Technical Institute of RAS, Kazan,
Russia. |
Investigation of
dissolution process of implanted silicon dioxide.
N. Nurgazizov, A. Bukharaev. Zavoisky Physical
Technical Institute of RAS, Kazan, Russia. |
Wave-ordered structure
on silicon surface and its modification by wet and
dry etching. D. S. Kibalov, I. V. Zhuravlev, P. A.
Lepshin, G. F. Smirnova, I. I. Amirov, V. K. Smirnov.
Institute of Microelectronics and Informatics,
RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
Simulation of a
ballistic field effect nanotransistors. A. A. Sidorov,
V. V. V'yurkov, and A. A. Orlikovsky. Institute
of Physics and Technology RAS, Moscow |
Bi films for the
fabrication of nanowires by the probe lithography.
A. Chernykh, A. Il'in, O. Kononenko, G. Mikhailov.
Institute of Microelectronics Technology &
High Purity Materials, RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow. |
Current transport
and photoelectric properties of silicon nanocomposite
- porous SiC. V. I. Sokolov1, M. V. Zamoryanskya1,
L. V. Grigoryev2, V. A. Berbetc2, V. E. Ter-Nersysiants2.
1. Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, St. Peterburg,
Russia; 2. St.Petersburg University, Physical Research
Instituteб Russia. |
The research system
for experiments on studying the gas medium influence
on the electroforming process. V. Levin, V. Mordvintsev.
Institute of Microelectronics and Informatics,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
Current transport
in thermooxidized silicon nanocomposite. V. I. Sokolov,
M. V. Zamoryanskya, L. V. Grigoryev, V. A. Berbetc,
V. E. Ter-Nersysiants 1. Ioffe Physicotechnical
Institute, St.Petersbyrg, Russia; 2. St.Petersburg
University, Physical Research Institute. |
An Investigation
into Nano-Sized Fractal Film Structures. I. Serov
1, G. Lukyanov2, V. Margolin 1 , N. Potsar 3 , I.
Soltovskaya 1 , V. Fantikov 3. 1. Aires New
Medial Technologies Foundation, St. Petersburg, Russia;
2. St. Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics
and Optics (Technical University); 3. St. Petersburg
State Electrotechnical University (LETI), St. Petersburg,
Russia. |
The features of
electroforming in open sandwich structures Si-SiO2-W
for silicon of different types of conductivity. V.
Mordvintsev, S. Kudryavtsev, V. Levin. Institute
of Microelectronics and Informatics, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
Influence of electrostatic
interaction between a conducting cantilever and a
metal film on the local anodic oxidation. A. N. Bulatov,
V. K. Nevolin. Moscow State Institute of Electrical
Engineering, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia. |
Electron Beam Induced
Deposition of Iron Carbon Nanostructures from Iron
Dodecacarbonyl Vapour. M. A. Bruk1, E. N. Zhikharev2,
E. I. Grigoriev1, A. V. Spirin1, V. A. Kalnov2, I.
E. Kardash1. 1. Kaprov Institute of Physical
Chemistry, Moscow, Russia; 2. Physics & Technology
Institute of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia. |
PZT nanostructures
templated into porous alumina membranes. V. A. Vasil'ev
1 , E. D. Mishina 1 , K. A. Vorotilov 1 , A. S. Sigov
1 , O. Zhigalina 2 , N. M. Kotova 3. 1. Moscow
State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and
Automation, Moscow, Russia; 2. Institute of Crystallography,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 3 Institute
of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia. |
Diffusive and ballistic
regime for transfer resistances. V. Yu. Vinnichenko,
A. V. Chernykh and G. M. Mikhailov. Institute
of the Microelectronic Technology and High Pure materials
RAS , 142432 , Chernogolovka , Moscow Region , Russia. |
The investigations
of ferroelectric thin films in virtual measuring system.
E. Pevtsov, A. Sigov, A. Pyzhova, A. Gorelov.
Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics
& Automation (Technical University), Russia |
MFM study and computer
simulation of domain structures in permalloy elements.
A. G. Temiryazev. Institute of Radioengineering
& Electronics RAS, Fryazino, Russia. |
Fast ferroelectric
domain switching probed by second harmonic generation.
E. D. Mishina 1 , N. E. Sherstyuk 1 , A. S. Sigov
1 , A. V. Mishina 2 , V. M. Mukhortov3 , Th. Rasing
4. 1. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering,
Electronics and Automation, Moscow, Russia; 2. Tver
State Technical University, Tver, Russia; 3. Institute
of General Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow,
Russia, 4. University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. |
Ferroelectric nanostructures
sputtered on alumina membranes. E. D. Mishina 1, V.
I. Stadnichuk 1, A. S. Sigov 1, Yu. I. Golovko 2,
V. M. Mukhorotov 2, Th. Rasing 3. 1. Moscow
State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and
Automation, Moscow; 2. Institute of General Physics,
Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia. 3. University
of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. |
FMR investigation
of permalloy array structures. Yu. A. Filimonov1,
S. A. Nikitov2, A. V. Butko3, A. V. Kozhevnikov1,
A. A. Veselov1, S. L. Vysotsky. 1. Institute
of Radioengineering & Electronics, RAS, Saratov
Department, Saratov, Russia; 2. Institute of Radioengineering&
Electronics, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Magnetic properties
of DC magnetron sputtered thin nickel films. A. S.
Dzhumaliev, Yu. A. Filimonov, S. N. Vasiltchenko,
A. V. Kozhevnikov, S. L. Vysotsky. Institute
of Radioengineering & Electronics, RAS, Saratov
Department, Saratov, Russia |
Influence of growth
temperature on the easy magnetization axis switch
and domain structure in Fe/GaAs(100) structures. Yu.
Filimonov, A. Dzhumaliev, A. Kozhevnikov, S. Vysotsky.
Institute of Radioengineering & Electronics,
RAS, Saratov Department, Saratov, Russia. |
Tomographic reconstruction
of space plasma inhomogeneities in wide aperture plasma
technology equipment under strong restriction on the
points of view. K. V. Rudenko, A. V. Fadeev, A. A.
Orlikovsky, and K. A. Valiev. Institute of
Physics and Technology RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Etching mechanism
of Au thin films in Cl2/Ar inductively coupled plasma.
A. Efremov 1,2, V. Svettsov 1, C. - I. Kim 2. 1.
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology,
Ivanovo, Russia; 2. Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. |
Investigation of
influence of low energy ion beam parameters on process
of Reactive Ion Beam Synthesis (RIBS) of thin films.
Y. P. Maishev, S. L. Shevchuk. Institute of
Physics and Technology RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Application RIE
system in precise piezoelectric quartz resonators
and filters manufacture. V. Galperin, V. Zuev.
OAO Angstrem, Zelenograd, Russia. |
Simulation of technological
process by etching of microstructures in high-voltage
gas discharge plasma. N. Kazanskiy, V. Kolpakov.
Image Processing Systems Institute, RAS, Samara,
Russia |
The equation of
a two-dimensional island growth on the incommensurable
monocrystalline substrate. Yu. N. Devyatko, S. V.
Rogozhkin, A. V. Fadeev. Moscow engineering-physical
institute (state university), Moscow, Russia. |
The mathematical
modeling of the polymerization processes during the
high-temperature oxidation of silicon. G. Krasnikov,
A. Eremenko, N. Zaitsev, I. Matyushkin. Research
and Development Institute for Molecular Electronics
and Plant MICRON Moscow, Zelenograd, Russia. |
Defects in YSZ
films induced by electric breakdowns during magnetron
deposition on Si substrate. V. G. Beshenkov, V. A.
Marchenko, A. G. Znamenskii. Institute of Microelectronics
Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka,
Russia. |
Application of
modified moments method for kinetics description of
nano-, micro -particles formation in gas phase. A.
Durov, M. Deminsky, M. Strelkova, B. Potapkin.
RRC "Kurchatov Institute", 123182, Kurchatov
sq. 1, Moscow, Russia. |
First principle
calculations of interactions of ZrCl4 precursors with
bare and hydroxylated ZrO2 surface. I. M. Iskandarova
1, A. A. Knizhnik 1, E. A. Rykova 1, A. A. Bagatur'yants
1, B. V. Potapkin 1, A. A. Korkin 2. 1. Kinetic
Technologies Ltd., Moscow, Russia; 2. Semiconductor
Products Sector, Motorola Inc., Mesa, USA. |
Vanadium reactive
magnetron sputtering in mixed Ar/O2 discharges. V.
A. Marchenko. Institute of Microelectronics
Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka,
Russia. |
Some properties
of titanium nitride films deposited by reactive magnetron
sputtering. V. Bochkaryov, S. Kudryavtsev, V. Mordvintsev,
N. Timina, L. Tsvetkova. Institute of Microelectronics
and Informatics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl,
Russia. |
Structural Transition
in Amorphous Silicon Deposited by Low Frequency Discharge.
A. A. Popov1, A. E. Berdnikov1, V. D. Chernomordik1,
Yu. A. Munakov1, M. D. Efremov2, V. A. Volodin2.
1. Institute of Microelectronics and Informatics
RAS, Yaroslal, Russia; 2. Institute of Semiconductors
Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. |
Nb epitaxy at the
time of low-energy ion bombardment conditions. V.
V. Naumov, V. F. Bochkarev, A. A. Goryachev, A. S.
Kunitsyn, E. I. Ilyashenko, P. E. Goa, T. H. Iohansen.
1. Institute of Microelectronics and Computer Science,
RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia; 2. University of. Oslo, Norway. |
Contact systems
for sub-100 nm CMOS technology. I. A. Horin 1, A.
A. Orlikovsky1, A. G. Vasiliev 1,2, A. L. Vasiliev
3,4. 1. Institute of Physics & Technology
(IPT), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia;
2. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics
and Automation (Technical University), Moscow, Russia;
3. Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 4. Department of Metallurgy
and Materials Eng., Institute of Materials Science,
Unit 3136, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA.
The polyimides
photoresist for multilevel- interconnect VLSI technology.
N. Savinski. Laboratory of Molecular Electronics,
Institute of Microelectronics and Informatics of RAS,
Yaroslavl, Russia. |
Epitaxial erbium
silicide contact to silicon-germanium. Zs. J. Horvath
1, G. Molnar1, G. Peto 1, I. Dezsi 2, R. Loo 3, M.
Caymax 3, K. Z'd'ansky 4. 1. Hungarian Academy
of Sciences, Research Institute for Technical Physics
and Materials Science, Budapest 114, Hungary; 2. KFKI
Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 114,
Hungary; 3. IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium;
4. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Chaberska
57, Prague 8, 18251, Czech Republic. |
Electrical behaviour
of Al/Si and Al/SiGe junctions: Effect of surface
treatment. Zs. J. Horvath 1, L. K. Orlov 2, M. Adam
1, A. V. Potapov 2, I. Szabo 1, V. A. Tolomasov 2,
B. Cvikl 3, Yu. M. Ivanov 4, D. Korosak 3, E. Pashaev
4. 1. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research
Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science,
Budapest, Hungary; 2. Institute for Physics of Microstructures,
RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; 3. Faculty of Civil
Engineering, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia,
and J. Stefan Institute,Ljubljana, Slovenia; 4. Institute
of Crystallograhpy, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Modeling diffusion
of ion implanted impurity in crystalline silicon under
a temperature gradient. V. Rudakov, V. Ovcharov, A.
Bashmakov. Institute of Microelectronics and
Informatics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl,
Russia. |
Modeling of Phosphorous
Diffusion in Ion-Implanted Si in Condition of Dopant
Transient Enhanced Out-Diffusion at Vacuum Rapid Thermal
Annealing. V. Kagadei 1, A. Markov 2, D. Proskurovsky
2. 1. Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices,
Tomsk, Russia; 2. Institute of High Current Electronics,
Tomsk, Russia. |
Precision studies
of semiconductor superlattices by X-Ray diagnostic
methods. E. Pashaev 1, S. Yakunin 1, A. Zaitsev 2.
1. Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 2. Moscow Institute of
Radio Engineering and Automatics, Moscow, Russia. |
Determining the
surface electrostatic potential ?s of a dielectric
bordering semiconductor using the method of ? 's (?s)-diagrams.
G. V. Chucheva, N. F. Kukharskaya, A. G. Zhdan.
The Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
October 9th. 2003
Poster session II
Fabrication of
3D photonics structures. S. Zaitsev, M. Knyazev,
S. Dubonos. Institute of Microelectronics
Technology, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia. |
Quality of silicon
macropores produced by deep anodic etching (DAE)
depending on silicon wafer resistivity and parameters
of the DAE procedure. V. V. Starkov, E. Yu. Gavrilin,
A. F. Vyatkin, S. V. Dubonos, and M. A. Knyasev.
Institute of Microelectronics Technology, RAS,
Moscow district, Chernogolovka, Russia. |
of a nucleation stage of macropore formation in
p-type silicon. V. V. Starkov, E. Yu. Gavrilin,
A. F. Vyatkin. Institute of Microelectronics
Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
district, Chernogolovka, Russia. |
Transition from
quasi-hexagonal to quasi-one dimensional pores distribution
during deep anodic etching of uniaxial stressed
silicon plate. V. V. Starkov1, E. Yu. Gavrilin1,
A. F. Vyatkin1, V. I. Emel'yanov2, and K. I. Eremin2.
1. Institute of Microelectronics Technology,
RAS, Moscow - Chernogolovka, Russia, 2. International
Laser Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia |
Porous anodic
alumina for photonics and optoelectronics. S. Gavrilov
1, D. Kravtchenko 1, A. Zheleznyakova 1, V. Timoshenko
2, P. Kashkarov 2, V. Melnikov2, G. Zaitsev 2, L.
Golovan 2. 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic
Technology, Moscow, Russia; 2. Physics Department,
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow,
Russia. |
Study on interaction
of organic luminophors with the modified porous
alumina. G. Gorokh 1, A. Kukhta 2, Yu. Koshin 1,
D. Solovei 1, A. Poznyak 1, A. Mozalev. 1.
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics,
Minsk, Belarus; 2. Institute of Molecular and Atomic
Physics, Minsk, Belarus. |
Design and manufacturing
of passive - matrix for organic light-emitting micro
display. M. Gitlin, N. Savinski, K. Truhanov, M.
Kachalov, E. Savinskaya. Laboratory of Molecular
Electronics, Institute of Microelectronics and Informatics
of RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
The strain distribution
in Si lattice of the layer containing в -FeSi2 precipitates.
A. Borun, N. Khmelnitskaja, Yu. Parkhomenko, E.
Vygovskaja. The Moscow institute of steel
and alloys, Moscow, Russia. |
Residual Photoresist
Removal from Si and GaAs Surface by Atomic Hydrogen
Flow Treatment. E. Anischenko 1, V. Diamant 2, V.
Kagadei 1, E. Nefeyodtsev 3, K. Oskomov 3, D. Proskurovsky
3, S. Romanenko 3. 1. Research Institute
of Semiconductor Devices, Tomsk, Russia; 2. Atomic
Hydrogen Technologies, Katzrin, Israel; 3. Institute
of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia. |
Structural characterization
of undoped and Si-doped AlGaAs/GaAs double quantum
wells separated by a thin AlAs layer. A. Lomov 1,
M. Chuev 2, G. Galiev 3, E. Klimov 3, A. Cherechukin
3. 1. A.V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography,
RAS, Moscow, Russia; 2. Institute of Physics &
Technology of RAS, Moscow, Russia; 3. Institute
of UHF Semiconductor Electronics of RAS, Moscow,
Russia. |
Formation of
multilayer Co/Cu and Ni/Cu structures by magnetron
sputtering and electron-beam evaporation. I. A.
Horin1, V.F. Meshcheryakov2, A. A. Orlikovsky1,
K. V. Timonin3, A. G. Vasiliev1,2. 1. Institute
of Physics & Technology (IPT), RAS, Moscow,
Russia; 2. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering,
Electronics and Automation (Technical University),
Moscow, Russia; 3. Institute of Crystallography,
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Tilted-axes YBCO
thin films: from vicinal range to step bunching.
P. B. Mozhaev 1,2, J. E. Mozhaeva 1,2, C. S. Jacobsen2,
J. B. Hansen2, I. K. Bdikin3, T. Donchev4, E. Mateev4,
T. Nurgaliev4, S. A. Zhgoon5, A. E. Barinov5.
1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS,
Moscow, Russia, 2. Technical University of Denmark,
Physics Dept., Lyngby, Denmark,3. Dept. of Ceramic
and Glass Engineering, CICECO, University of Aveiro,
Aveiro, Portugal 4. Institute of Electronics Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria 5. Moscow Power
Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia |
spectroscopy of quantum well GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs in
electrical field. Yu. V. Khabarov, L. E. Velikovsky.
Institute of UHF Semiconductor Electronics, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. |
Submicron probes
for Hall magnetometry over the extended temperature
range from helium to room temperatures. S. V. Morozov
1, S. V. Dubonos 1, K. S. Novoselov1,2, A. K. Geim
2. 1. Institute of Microelectronics Technology
and High Purity Material, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia;
2. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. |
ion-plasma treatment modifies photoluminescence
spectrum of porous silicon. B. M. Kostishko, S.
J. Salomatin. Ul'yanovsk State University,
Ul'yanovsk, Russia. |
Method of electrophysical
parameters determination in semiconductors by means
of microstripe resonator. V. V. Sidorin, A. V. Sidorin.
Moscow State Institute of Radioenginiriing,
Electronics and Automation (Technical University)
MIREA, Moscow, Russia. |
Modeling Atomic
Hydrogen Diffusion in GaAs. V. Kagadei 1, E. Nefyodtsev
2. 1. Research Institute of Semiconductor
Devices, Tomsk, Russia; 2. Institute of High Current
Electronics, Tomsk, Russia. |
Dry Cleaning
of Fluorocarbon Residues by Atomic Hydrogen Flow.
E. Anischenko 1, V. Diamant 2, V. Kagadei 1, E.
Nefyodtsev 3, D. Proskurovsky 3, S. Romanenko 3.
1. Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices,
Tomsk, Russia; 2. Atomic Hydrogen Technologies,
Katzrin, Israel; 3. Institute of High Current Electronics,
Tomsk, Russia. |
Application of
Atomic Hydrogen Treatment in Si and GaAs Based Devices
Technology. V. Kagadei 1, E. Nefyodtsev 2, D. Proskurovsky
2, S. Romanenko 2. 1. Research Institute
of Semiconductor Devices, Tomsk, Russia; 2. Institute
of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia. |
F+, B+ ion implantation
into GaAs multilayer heterostructures. M. Tigishvili,
N. Gapishvili, R. Melkadze, M. Ksaverieva, T. Khelashvili.
Research & Production Complex (RPC) "
Electron Technology" of Tbilisi State University,
Tbilisi Georgia. |
DD-PHEMT structures
and technology on GaAs for power amplification in
up to millimeter wave range. V. G. Mokerov 1, A.
S. Bugayev 1, Yu. V. Fedorov 1, M. Yu. Scherbakova
1, A. P. Senichkin 1, A. T. Grigoriev 1, E. N. Enyushkina
1, L. E. Velikovskii 1, G. Z. Garber 2, A. M. Zubkov
2, Yu. A. Matveyev 2. 1. Institute of Ultra
High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of RAS
(IUHFSE RAS), Moscow, Russia; 2. Science Research
Institute "Pulsar", Moscow, Russia |
isomorphic HEMT's with cut off frequency ft>100GHz
for mm-wave applications. V. G. Mokerov, Yu. V.
Fedorov, A. S. Bugaev, M. Yu. Scherbakova, A. T.
Grigoriev, E. N. Enyushkina. 1. Institute
of Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics
of RAS (IUHFSE RAS) Moscow,Russia. |
Structure Peculiarities of Metallic Films
Produced by Selective Removal of Atoms. B. Gurovich,
A. Domantovsky, K. Maslakov, E. Olshansky, K.
Prikhodko. Russian Research Center "Kurchatov
Institute", Moscow, Russia.
Logic gates based
on resonant-tunneling diodes. A. Gorbatsevich 1,
I. Kazakov 2, M. Kirillov 1, B. Nalbandov 1, S.
Schmelev 1, A. Tsibizov 2. 1. Moscow Institute
of Electronic Technology (Technical University),
Moscow, Russia; 2. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute,
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Liquid phase
epitaxial growth and optical properties of InxGa1-xAsySb1-y
on GaSb B. Podor, V. Rakovics, J. Balazs, A. L.
Toth. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research
Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science,
Budapest, Hungary. |
Design of P-HEMT-MMIC
chipset for X-band active phased array radar. V.
G. Mokerov, B. G. Nalbandov, E. N. Ovcharenko, T.
I. Kuznetzova, D. L. Gnatyuk, A. S. Bugaev, Yu.
V. Fedorov. Institute of UHF Semiconductor
Electronics of RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Au electrical
contacts to GaSb based epitaxial structures. Zs.
J. Horvath, V. Rakovics, B. Podor. Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for Technical
Physics and Materials Science, Budapest 114, Hungary. |
The process of
low-temperature diffusion in production of the semiconductor
devices. A. Bibilashvili, Z. Bokhochadze, A. Gerasimov,
N. Gochaleishvili, R. Kazarov, I. Lomidze, E. Maziashvili,
S. Sikharulidze. Microelectronics chair of
Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia. |
Elaboration of
gallium arsenide technology in Georgia for development
of microelectronic devices. N. Khuchua 1, Z. Chakhnakia
1, L. Khvedelidze 1, R. Melkadze 1, A. Tutunjan
1, R. Diehl 2. 1. Research and Production
Complex (RPC) "Electron Technology" of
I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi,
Georgia; 2. III-V Electronics and Optoelectronics
Hardheim, Germany. |
Effects at the Interference of Electron Waves in
Semiconductor 1D Nanostructures. V. A. Petrov
and A. V. Nikitin |
of double barrier doped heterostructures lGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs
for ultra high frequency FET. G. Galiev 1, V. Kaminskii
1, V. Kul'bachinskii 2. 1. Institute of UHF
semiconductor electronics, RAS, Moscow, Russia;
2. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. |
Electronic band
structure and semimetal-semiconductor transition
in InAs/GaSb quantum wells. I. Lapushkin 1, A. Zakharova
1, S. T. Yen 2, K. A. Chao 3. 1. Institute
of Physics and Technology of RAS, Moscow; 2. Department
of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung
University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China 3.
Department of Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
The influence
of classical and quantum-mechanical regions interaction
on IV-characteristics of RTD, based on different
materials. I. I. Abramov, I. A. Goncharenko, N.
V. Kolomejtseva. Belarusian State University
of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus. |
Room temperature
photoreflectance investigation of undoped and doped
GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures. L. P. Avakyants
1, P. Yu. Bokov 1, A. V. Chervyakov 1, G. B. Galiev
2, E. A. Klimov 2. 1. Physics faculty of
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow,
Russia; 2. Institute of UHF Semiconductor Electronics
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Negative magnetoresistance
due to electron-electron interaction in InGaAs/InP
heterostructures. B. Podor 1,2, I. G. Savel`ev 3,
Gy. Kovacs 4, G. Remenyi 5. 1. Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for Technical
Physics and Materials Science, Budapest, Hungary;
2. Budapest Polytechnic, Kando Kalman Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, Institute of Microelectronics
and Technology, Budapest, Hungary; 3. A. F. Ioffe
Physical Technical Institute, RAS, St. Petersburg,
Russia; 4. Department of General Physics, Eotvos
Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary; 5. CNRS Centre
de Recherches sur les Tres Basses Temperatures et
Laboratoire des Champs Magnetiques Intenses, Grenoble,
France. |
Influence of
a transversal electric field to acoustic charge
transport in the GaAs heterostructures. V. I. Еgоrкin,
А. К. Моrоchа. Moscow Institute of Electronic
Technology, Moscow, Russia. |
tunneling through a symmetric barrier structure
with buried electrical polarization. V. Kantser,
I. Bejenari, G. Birliba. LISES Institute
of Applied Physics ASM, Kishinev, Moldova. |
Change of a resistance
and real structure under x-ray irradiation. V. Peregudov
1, V. Kirikov 2, E. Pashaev 2, S. Yakunin 2, A.
Zaitsev 3, S. Tikhomirov2. 1. RRC "Kurchatov
Institute", Moscow, Russia; 2. Institute of
Crystallography, RAS, Moscow, Russia; 3. Moscow
Institute of Radio Engineering and Automatics, Moscow,
Russia. |
Uncooled microbolometer
based on microbridge structure technology. Yu. Chetverov2,
S. Shapoval1. 1. Institute of Microelectronics
Technology RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia; 2. R&D
Corporation "Tsiklon", Moscow, Russia. |
An investigation
of relative current sensitivity of bipolar magnetotransistor.
R. D. Tikhonov. SMC "Technological Centre"
at the MSIEE, Moscow, Russia. |
Numerical simulation
of piezoresistive effect by ISE TCAD tools for microsystems
engineering elements. T. Kroupkina1, O. Pankratov2,
V. Amelichev2. 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic
Engineering, Moscow, Russia; 2. SMC "Technological
Center" Moscow, Russia. |
Statistical Modeling
for IC Manufacture: Hierarchical Approach. Yu. I.
Bogdanov 1, N. A. Bogdanova 2 1. OAO Angstrem,
Moscow, Russia 2. Moscow Institute of Electronic
Engineering (Technical University), Moscow, Russia |
The optimization
of relative current sensitivity of bipolar magnetotransistor.
A. Kozlov1, M. Reveleva1, R. Tikhonov2. 1.
Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology
(Technical University), Moscow, Russia; 2. SMC "Technological
Center" at the MSIEE, Moscow, Russia. |
of the pressure influence on the characteristics
of the silicon micromechanical oscillator. S. Timoshenkov,
A. Boiko, V. Shilov, V. Rubchic. Moscow Institute
of Electronic Engineering (Technical University),
Moscow, Russia. |
& MEMS projects. E. N. Pyatishev, Y. Akulshin,
A. Kazakin, M. Lurie. St. Petersburg State
Polytechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia. |
To theory of
electrophysical modification of microelectronic
devices. V. M. Bogomol'nyi. Moscow State
University of Service. Cherkizovo. Russia. |
Fast switching
high-voltage gallium arsenide devices. A. Rozhkov,
V. Kozlov. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute
RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia |
decoherence of solid state charge-based quantum
computer. L. Fedichkin 1, A. Fedorov 2, M. Yanchenko
3. 1. Center for Quantum Device Technology,
Department of Physics and Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam,
NY, USA. 2. Department of Physics, Clarkson University,
Potsdam, NY, USA. 3. Institute of Physics and Technology,
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Microscale regulation
of quantum fluctuations of light at nonlinear selective
reflection. Ja. Fofanov. Institute for Analytical
Instrumentation, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia. |
Noise detector
on base of a system of asymmetric loops with the
persistent current. V. V. Aristov, S. V. Dubonos,
V. I. Kuznetsov, A. A. Firsov, A. V. Nikulov, I.
N. Zhilyaev. Institute of Microelectronics
Technology and High Purity Materials, RAS, Chernogolovka,
Russia. |
Phase response
of spin-dependent single-hole tunneling in silicon
one-dimensional rings. N. T. Bagraev1, A. D. Bouravleuv1,
W. Gehlhoff2, L. E. Klyachkin1, A. M. Malyarenko1,
I. A. Shelykh3. 1. A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical
Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia; 2. Technische
Universitat Berlin, Institut fur Festkorperphysik,
Berlin, Germany; 3. St.Petersburg State Technical
University, St.Petersburg, Russia. |
Surface scattering
in giant- magnetoresistance multilayered structures.
V. V. V'yurkov, S. D. Ananiev, A. A. Orlikovsky.
Institute of Physics and Technology of the
RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Structure of
Nano-Cavities by Magnetic Resonance Methods. E.
B. Fel'dman, M. G. Rudavets. Institute of
Problems of Chemical Physics, RAS, Chernogolovka,
Russia. |
About parallel
computing on spatial rotations in spin mesomorphic
structures. M. M. Nesterov, V. I. Tarkhanov. 1.
St.Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation,
RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia; 2. St. Petersburg State
Polytechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia. |
Quantum States
Estimation: Root Approach. Yu. I. Bogdanov. OAO
"Angstrem", Moscow, Russia. |
The scanning
single ion implanter for solid-state quantum computer.
V. Zhukov. Institute for Informatics and
Automation, RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. |
of power consumption in quasiadiabatic logical gates.
V. Staroselsky, V. Losev. Moscow State Institute
of Electronic Engineering, Moscow, Russia. |
About application
of logic opportunities of electron-hole plasma in
the information - computing technologies. H. Karayan,
A. Makaryan, G. Nikogosyan. Yerevan State
University, Yerevan, Armenia. |
Physical calculations
and computers. H. Karayan, Sh. Martirosyan, H. Vardanyan.
Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia. |
Correlation Characteristics
in Multilevel Clustering Fault Model. Yu. I. Bogdanov
1, N. A. Bogdanova 2, A. V. Rudnev 1. 1.
OAO Angstrem, Moscow, Russia; 2. Moscow Institute
of Electronic Engineering (Technical University),
Moscow, Russia. |
The tools for
numerical "renascence" procedure of electrical
and processes parameters of complex devices of the
integrated circuits. I. I. Abramov1, V. A. Dobrushkin
2, V. A. Tsurko 3, V. A. Zhuk 4. 1. Belarusian
State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics,
Minsk, Belarus; 2. Brown University, Providence,
USA; 3. National Academy of Scienses, Institute
of Mathematics, Minsk, Belarus; 4. Silvaco Data
Systems Inc., Santa Clara, USA. |
Silicone elastoplastics
for microsystem engineering. P. A. Averichkin, V.
A. Kalnov, A. A. Shlionsky. FGUP "GIREDMET",
Moscow, Russia. Institute of Physics and Technology,
RAS, Moscow, Russia |
Quartz surface
carbonilization. P. A. Averichkin, V. A. Kalnov,
A. A. Shlionsky, N. I. Shmatov. FGUP "GIREDMET",
Moscow, Russia. Institute of Physics and Technology,
RAS, Moscow, Russia |